If you have low or no credit, getting a car loan is still possible. You just need to partner with the right lender or dealership that understands your situation. At Premier Hyundai of Moreno Valley, we work closely with local banks and specialized credit unions to help residents in Moreno Valley, Riverside, Ontario, Perris, Temecula, and across the Inland Empire to secure the financing they need. Our connections allow us to find a car loan solution that fits your needs, no matter your credit score. You don’t even need a social security number to drive away in a new vehicle. We accept ITIN, and a lot of times, your job is your credit. Let us help you get a fresh start and behind the wheel today!
At Premier Hyundai of Moreno Valley, we focus on the person instead of the credit score. Our car financing team offers benefits like the following:
If you’re unsure about your credit status or need assistance finding a vehicle that fits your budget, just click the button below to access our virtual finance department. Our team will review your details and present all the financing options. We make it easy for you to get pre-approved quickly and hassle-free with no impact on your credit!
Complete this form, and our team will get in touch!